West of Washington: The Fourth Starts Now!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Fourth Starts Now!

Hi, friends!
The fourth of July is coming up this weekend - one of my favorite holidays! I love our country and our freedoms, so I naturally love any reason to celebrate it. And on top of that, I love the red, white, and blue color combo so that makes being festive that much easier for me.

I get easily inspired looking at outfits/accessories for the 4th and am even more excited this year since last year was pretty much a wash. I put together some laid back looks for the whole family since we're pretty much always casually dressed for this holiday. It's usually a scorcher with a couple of different outdoor events, so the more comfortable the outfits, the better ;) Links are below! 


What are your plans for the fourth? Do you and your family have any special traditions? I'd love to hear them! 

Talk soon - Alex 

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